Monday, June 24, 2013

Anything on the floor goes into the trash!

Periodically I have fun by getting the broom or vacuum out to sweep and yell, "Anything still on the floor is going in the trash! Hurry!" and the kids frantically start picking up their toys.  (You only need to vacuum up a few Legos to get this trick to work.)

Today, feeling a bit devilish, I decided to threaten vacuum heaven... The eldest began to pick up Legos and putting them away... the youngest picked up all the rogue goldfish crackers and promptly ate them.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Weather from a kids perspective

(overheard during a tornado warning)

Parker: "Do tornadoes walk?"
Braxton: "NO - they spin in circles and take things that aren't theirs."
Parker: "I don't want him [the tornado] to come and take my things"
Braxton: "me neither."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Typical Conversation with a three year old

Random conversation of the day:

"Why is this an orange?"

"Because it is orange, so they call it an orange."

"But why is it orange?"

"Because it is."

"But, why is it an orange."

"Why do you think it is an orange?"

[pause] "Because it is orange."

{end of conversation... go back to reading}

"Why isn't a carrot an orange?"

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sh#$ we said the other day...

"OUT, Out, Get out of the dryer. You are not allowed in there."

"Do not sit on your brother's head."

"Stop Yelling" (yep - I yelled that one)

"Why is there an orange in the bed?" (Dave)

"All of your close are on backwards"

Marshmallows for Breakfast?

This mornings wake up call: (me dead asleep 7 am)

Parker "MOM! I drew faces on them!"

Me: "Huh? What? You drew faces on what!?"

Parker: "the marshmallows"
[whew] "I told you we had marshmallows! Braxton found them!"

Me: "you are not supposed to have those so I am hiding them again." [shoot... wondering how many they ate already]

Parker: "oh yeah. Oh-Kay"

Apparently today marshmallows are for breakfast.